Goa on wheels team spotted a Tata Sumo Victa with red number plates on NH-4 near Pune. The car had a tag which read LHD meaning Left hand drive, upon noticing the same we began to snap the car without wasting much time. As seen in the above picture the steering wheel is on the left side confirming that this is indeed a left hand drive vehicle. The car had only Sumo badging and Victa name was missing. Another important detail is the 4×4 badging on the side indicating that the car is a four wheel drive version. 4-wheel drive for a Sumo is impressive isnt it? However visually the car looked exactly the same as the Indian Victa and there is not much to write about it. The Alloy wheels though looked good and the Spare tyre too had alloys. India is slowly and steadily becoming an export hub for Automobiles. Many manufacturers produce cars in India and export it to foreign countries. Though we are not sure about the country that Tata intend to export the Sumo, it is amply clear that This LHD variant under test is aimed for the export Market.
About Viraj Nayak
69 Articles
An automobile enthusiast and avid follower of Formula 1, Viraj is an graduate from Goa College of Engineering and presently lives in Goa.
His other interest include driving, traveling, photography, quizzing and cricket. Favorite cars are RR Phantom and BMW X5.
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