Finding Fanny, the story of five dysfunctional characters from the fictional, quaint sleepy village of Pocolim , nestled in the deep interiors Goa. A village, where pointless and irrelevant conversations are a way of passing time and in turn living life. Nothing great ever happens in this village, until one night, Ferdie, the postman receives a letter that is slipped inside his door. The piece of paper leaves him completely stunned… as he realizes that it is the same letter that written to his love interest, proposing her, 46 years ago.
To his surprise, he learns that the letter had never been delivered to her and all these years, Ferdie lived a life of guilt and depression believing that she had rejected him. He plans to find the love of his life – Fanny (as he fondly calls her) so that he could tell her the truth. He decides to go on a road trip to fine her.
Four colorful characters from the village join the trip under random pretexts. The road trip is supported by a vintage car and our article is about this beauty which has also played an important role. The car driven by Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor is the Dodge Kingsway in a rustic vintage Aqua Blue.
The Dodge Kingsways were largely rebadged Plymouth vehicles, although they were often equipped with Dodge bumpers and trim. They were supposed to help overseas Dodge dealers to sell cars at a lower price class. The first export models were made in 1935, and they continued through the 1959 model year.
The Kingsway, along with the Plymouth Savoy, were also assembled in India by Premier Automobiles until the late 50’s. The Kingsway was powered by a Straight 6 3.6 litre petrol engine which developed 98 PS of max power at 3600 rpm and max torque of 237 Nm at 1200 rpm.
The Dodge Kingsway used in the movie Finding Fanny is not a Goan unlike shown in the movie with GDA registration but was bought to Goa from Mumbai. The original registration number is BLI 1143 and now uses an Innova engine. The car was mainly chosen because of the Patina which gave it a rustic look.
Special Thanks to Osborn Fernendes for the original images of the Dodge Kingsway